A few weeks ago my neuropathy came back, fast and furious.
I took a big step back from the gym.
I moved out of my winter rental.
I picked up every shift that I could possibly take.
Work became more important than everything else.

I slowed down on meditating.
My prayers became short and one dimensional.
I was resting on my laurels.

Everything was getting on my nerves. Traffic, long lines at the market etc
I was ungrateful.
I was uninspired.

When I get lazy in my routine I begin to suffer. I let little things start to grate on me and I begin finger pointing. I start looking to superficial things to inspire me.

What really inspires me is a healing touch. A hug from a friend. Holding hands in a group during the Lords Prayer. When I help my clients with the buttons on their shirt. A gentle pat on the shoulder. When I literally feel and hear Spirit whispering to me telling me to pursue what lights me up. These are the things that make me want to keep going forward.

When I am feeling uninspired all I have to do is be still and feel the energy of inspiration all around me. It is ever present. It envelopes me. I live it every day. Without times of struggle I would never know how good it can really be.


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