
Showing posts from October 28, 2018


All my life I have disliked frogs.   Their creepy eyes, long legs, croaking and freaky jumping ability; everything about them skeeves me out!   I literally shutter when I see a picture of one or a living frog.   I will avoid frogs pretty much at all costs.   For example, I used to night swim with a bunch of people at the local pond…until I saw a frog hopping around on the sand.   That was 8 years ago and I haven’t gone swimming there again.       I always thought that it was a bad omen when a frog was put in my path because of my personal aversion to them but frogs in general are cool creatures.   They start their lives living and breathing underwater.   As they grow they transform into air breathing animals that live in between land and water. It’s practically magic.   The spiritual meanings of frogs are interesting also.     Frogs represent:   ·          Transformation ·          Change ·          Purity ·          Rebirth ·          Strength ·