
Showing posts from May 1, 2017

Something New

Life is a journey full of ups, downs and everything in between.   Most of us have experienced things like    balancing family, having a career, school, financial issues, periodic failures, goal setting and realizing dreams.   For me, sometimes I get such tunnel vision that I stop enjoying the journey of my life and only focus on the goal.   I stop trying new things because I get stuck in the mundane.   As time goes by and things happen and priorities shift and the journey changes.   This has been true for me in the past few years.   I have been stuck.     Getting sober in 2009 helped me take stock in my life at that time.   Drugs and alcohol no longer served me and I was able to put them down with the help of a treatment center and a 12 step program.   Sobriety gave me a foundation to stand on to begin to make good choices.   My cancer diagnosis made me take a closer look at my life.   Am I happy?   Like really happy?   Am I living in today or in the future?