
Showing posts from April 24, 2017

Easy Does It

     I struggle with having down time.   It’s weird because my greatest wish used to be that someday I would become a lady of leisure.   These days when I have some free time I feel like I should be doing something.   Cleaning, reading, scrolling through Instagram…something!   I live in society where we are always multi-tasking.   Literally right now I’m writing this blog while watching The Force Awakens.   I find it very difficult do one thing at a time.      Right now my body needs rest.   I am still very fatigued and get tired fast.   I cannot go back to the go-go-go lifestyle I had and if I try I will suffer in the long run.   I know this intellectually but inside I feel guilty, like I’m doing something wrong by resting and taking it easy.   I know that I am not the only person that feels this way.   It is strange to be in this internal tug of war, wanting to do more and less at the same time.      Staying constantly occupied has saved me from becoming mentally overwhelmed