
Showing posts from February 7, 2018


When I closed my eyes tonight I was instantly connected. I was home again. Nothing could hurt me Or interrupt. There was me… Small, unsure and waiting. One minute piece of this Enormous Expansive Wondrous Indescribable U   N   I   V   E   R   S   E . There was you… So vast, your breadth is beyond what my eyes can see and what my mind can comprehend. Cosmic Safe Certain Comfortable Potent Joyous Energetic and F   R   E   E. I can feel us     C  O  N  N  E  C  T  E  D , together, bonded AS ONE. My Gods are here. They have ALWAYS been here. It was I that left them behind. But tonight, I felt you Loudly , clearly and with C   E   R   T   A   I   N        F   A   I   T   H.