
Showing posts from November 25, 2017

One Year

11/22/2017 One year ago I was sitting at Cape Cod Hospital waiting for my life to completely change.   I was waiting to have cancer removed from my body.   I was praying… Praying that my family knew how much I loved them. Praying that my doctors and their staff got a good night of rest. Praying that I will be able to hold it all together. Praying that I will wake up after surgery. And I woke up, whew.   Life goes on. Today I started my day at the gym, taking the best care of my body I am capable of.   I ate a healthy breakfast.   I took a shower and had coffee.   Life goes on.   Today I am grateful. I am grateful for my family.   They took care of me when I couldn’t do it myself.   They supported me emotionally, physically and financially.   They continue to hold me up.   There are truly not enough words to convey how much I love and cherish all of them.      I am grateful for my friends. They lift my spirit, send me good vibes and keep me laughing.   They