
Showing posts from April 11, 2017


man·age·a·ble  (măn′ĭ-jə-bəl) adj. Capable of being managed or controlled: manageable problems                 My cancer diagnosis and the following processes happened in manageable pieces.   Every week I was getting new information, so in between news I had time to digest.   An earthquake hit my life on October 4 2016 when I was diagnosed and every piece of news subsequently was like an aftershock; a tremor that rocked me but not as strong as the first big diagnosis.                 I am grateful that I got information piece by piece.   In hindsight I see how I was able to handle things 1 week at a time and brace for each appointment and phone call (see MY CANCER TIMELINE ).   I was surrounded by family and friends that held me up, literally and figuratively.   I was angry but I had to keep...