
Showing posts from March 20, 2020


I have been anxious and fighting off fear and panic that doesn’t belong to me.  When I feel like this I need to ask for help. Therapy and staying accountable with the Coven is helpful but I need the big guns right now.  Today I meditated and asked the most relevant of high realm guides to come in and give me guidance.  Quick back story... One of my spirit guides is a red parrot.  He came to me a few years ago in a deep meditation and let me fly with him on his back around the inner temple of my soul.  Deep right? Lol. But seriously that was a powerful experience for me and since then the parrot has shown himself to me over and over. I see him in magazines, TV, ads, and usually in pairs (something to think about re relationships, but I digress). Back to the regular scheduled story... In my mind I sat within the sky, all I could see was blue with white clouds all around me, there were no walls, just open to the world as it is. In comes my old pal the Parrot who rev