
Showing posts from August 19, 2017


My body is a Wonderland My eyes are sacred. They have seen the inside of my Mother that carried and nourished me. My eyes have seen the sun rise and set. They have seen the change of the seasons and shooting stars. My eyes have seen the world as it is. My eyes are sacred. My lips are holy. They have cried out in want, need, pain, and pleasure in multitudes. My lips have expressed truth and lies in equal measures. My smile can make you weak in the knees or feel mighty. My lips are holy. My arms are powerful. My arms are gentle enough to hold a newborn baby but solid enough to ease your pain with a hug. The touch of my hands has comforted the dying. My arms are strong enough to push, pull and lift all I have ever owned. My arms are powerful. My legs are pillars. They are robust and hold me up. My legs take me wherever I want to go and follow my direction. They guide me on every journey. My legs are pillars. My womb is hallowed. My womb is capable of crea...


For years a friend of mine kept trying to get me on the “manifesting” train. She kept using these unfamiliar words and phrases. Like visualize, manifest, magnet for miracles, money comes to me easily and frequently etc. I was skeptical and just let her rant in her way. 🙄 I was not ready to hear, accept and practice those philosophies. I was resisting change. I was resisting the natural laws of the Universe. I already believed in a higher power. I believed in my own self will and how that usually gets me into trouble. I was not ready to believe in the laws of attraction. I thought that if I focused hard enough on my problem that a solution would appear. Little did I know that focusing on the problem multiplies it and more obstacles appear When I was diagnosed with breast cancer I knew that it was time to enlarge my spiritual life. I had to depend on my Higher Power to get me through these difficulties and I felt deeply that I would be okay. It was time for me to start swimmin...


A few weeks ago my neuropathy came back, fast and furious. I took a big step back from the gym. I moved out of my winter rental. I picked up every shift that I could possibly take. Work became more important than everything else. I slowed down on meditating. My prayers became short and one dimensional. I was resting on my laurels. Everything was getting on my nerves. Traffic, long lines at the market etc I was ungrateful. I was uninspired. When I get lazy in my routine I begin to suffer. I let little things start to grate on me and I begin finger pointing. I start looking to superficial things to inspire me. What really inspires me is a healing touch. A hug from a friend. Holding hands in a group during the Lords Prayer. When I help my clients with the buttons on their shirt. A gentle pat on the shoulder. When I literally feel and hear Spirit whispering to me telling me to pursue what lights me up. These are the things that make me want to keep going forward. When...


As I scroll through my Facebook I see an obituary of a young man who died from addiction. Another young life lost to a disease where there IS a daily reprieve. It makes me pause because that obituary could have been mine if I didn't get sober. The obituary could be mine if I choose to stop following the simple program of action I have learned from 12 steps. I want to celebrate life right NOW. I want to be grateful NOW. I want to celebrate life with you while we are still on this Earth. I do not want celebrate a life at another funeral. My solution is to pick up the phone, to drop a card in the mail and send a text. I want to do all that I can to spend quality time with the people that I love. They are worth my time and attention. I am going to take the trip I've been putting off, I am going to get another tattoo and I am going to make my 8th step list I've been balking at. If I wait for the “right time” I will never do it. I am worth my own time and attention. Life...


Someone once told me that because of the salary I made that I'd never be able to afford certain things. Needless to say that I was hurt, upset and discouraged. Also needless to say, that person is not part of my daily life anymore. When I, as a high vibration person, encounter a low vibration person- my energy is lessened. If I constantly surround myself with low energy negative people, I become low energy and negative. For many years my energy was chipped away by people. I did not know I was changing the person inside to comfort others. I did not know that I was not being authentic to my original self. I had no clue that I was stagnant and inactive. I didn't know I was hiding my light to make others happy. Until I made the choice to break away. If you are not into a give and take relationship/friendship, one where we can support and lift one another up to our best selves…please, move along. I work hard. I like nice things. I have big dreams. If you don't want to...