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    This video inspired me to write about one of my favorite topics…GRATITUDE!   Watch it and then keep reading!     Cute right!   The gist is to be grateful for everything we have - EVERY DAY , not just during the holiday season.    It can be difficult to remain grateful all the time though. You know what I mean.   Morning traffic, ridiculous checkout lines at the market, annoying co-workers, fast approaching deadlines, BILLS… ugh. You must be asking yourself “How can I appreciate all the little things that make me CRAZY?!?!   How can I be grateful every day?!?!” Practicing gratitude is just that - A PRACTICE .   The following are a few ways to add gratitude into your daily routine.   1. Count Your Blessings Like the man in the video I shared, count your blessings daily.   Food, clean water, transportation etc are simple things that we sometimes take for granted.   Quickly acknowledging them in your mind as your day goes along is a great way to star

Life finds a way



vibe vΔ«b/ noun: 1 . a person's emotional state or the atmosphere of a place as communicated to and felt by others. tribe /trΔ«b/ noun: 1. a distinctive close-knit group Your vibe attracts your tribe; in any and all conditions.   I know that this is true from my own personal experience.   In active addiction I surrounded myself with like-minded people; people that drank and drugged like I did.   Spending all of my time with others that lived the same way I did made bad behavior seem normal.  At the height of my addiction I was selfish, self- centered, greedy and in full flight from reality.  I was doing terrible, ugly things to keep existing and I was engaging with people doing the same.  My low vibe attracted individuals of the same low vibration. I truly had no idea that my energy was so negative and in turn invited more negativity into my life. So, let’s fast forward… When I embraced sobriety and spirituality in 2009 I change
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Releasing the Throat Chakra

Many times in my life I have felt like I have not been heard.   Like I have not been believed, my feelings minimized and overall misunderstood.   A big part of that is because I was NOT speaking my mind or my truth.   My throat chakra was closed and/or out of alignment. Short description of the throat chakra found on   “ The Throat chakra is the fifth chakra. Located at the center of the neck at the level of the throat, it is the passage of the energy between the lower parts of the body and the head. The function of the Throat chakra is driven by the principle of expression and communication . The Throat chakra is associated with the following psychological and behavioral characteristics: ·          Expression, in particular ability to express your truth, to speak out ·          Communication, whether it’s verbal or non-verbal, external or internal ·          Connection with the etheric realm, the more subtle realms of spirit and intuitive

One Year

11/22/2017 One year ago I was sitting at Cape Cod Hospital waiting for my life to completely change.   I was waiting to have cancer removed from my body.   I was praying… Praying that my family knew how much I loved them. Praying that my doctors and their staff got a good night of rest. Praying that I will be able to hold it all together. Praying that I will wake up after surgery. And I woke up, whew.   Life goes on. Today I started my day at the gym, taking the best care of my body I am capable of.   I ate a healthy breakfast.   I took a shower and had coffee.   Life goes on.   Today I am grateful. I am grateful for my family.   They took care of me when I couldn’t do it myself.   They supported me emotionally, physically and financially.   They continue to hold me up.   There are truly not enough words to convey how much I love and cherish all of them.      I am grateful for my friends. They lift my spirit, send me good vibes and keep me laughing.   They


When I see ads for Breast Cancer Awareness Month I see this:                            I NEED to see more things like this:                           Ericka Hart photographed by Shaun Mader Photography                                                I need to see inclusiveness in ads, commercials, pamphlets and pictures.   Cancer does not discriminate. These images are intense.   They are REAL .      Breast cancer IS NOT cupcakes, ribbons and rainbows. Breast cancer is a lot of waiting, doctor appointments, copayments, white walls and needles. Diagnosis carries fear, loss, anxiety, anger, disappointment, instability and MUCH MUCH MORE. Cancer is painful, emotionally exhausting, and a quiet often invisible disease. “Cancer is finally out of the closet, when I was kid people didn’t say the word Cancer, they referred to it as the big C. It was something you whispered about, or didn’t talk about at all” -Cheryl Wilm

Autumn Fashion Part 3

AUTUMN FASHION Part 3   In AUTUMN FASHION we have reviewed trends, outerwear, shirts and pants with examples of all. Today to end this fashion extravaganza we will be dealing with accessories.   Everyone always wants to upgrade and update an outfit without spending a lot of cash. How can you do it?   With ACCESSORIES! ! A scarf, earrings, statement necklace or a well-placed hat can go a long way in changing an outfit.   I am a huge fan of big earrings paired with bangles or a statement necklace. Also I love to add a scarf-so simple yet so chic. Be careful not to add TOO much as that can detract from you natural beauty and the ensemble as a whole.       I think that if you are going to spend money on accessories finding original and unique pieces is the way to go.   Moonspun Whimsy hits the mark with price point, variety and originality.   I have just recently found this site on Etsy and it has so many things to choose from my wallet will soon be lighter