1. a person's emotional state or the atmosphere of a place as communicated to and felt by others.

1. a distinctive close-knit group

Your vibe attracts your tribe; in any and all conditions.  I know that this is true from my own personal experience.  In active addiction I surrounded myself with like-minded people; people that drank and drugged like I did.  Spending all of my time with others that lived the same way I did made bad behavior seem normal.  At the height of my addiction I was selfish, self- centered, greedy and in full flight from reality.  I was doing terrible, ugly things to keep existing and I was engaging with people doing the same.  My low vibe attracted individuals of the same low vibration. I truly had no idea that my energy was so negative and in turn invited more negativity into my life.

So, let’s fast forward…

When I embraced sobriety and spirituality in 2009 I changed my energy.  I continue to live sober and spiritually one day at a time and I keep adding to my vibrational energy.  I have increased my standards of living.  I live without mind altering substances, I engage in activities I enjoy and try to be a good person.  I strive for positive thoughts that turn into positive actions. 

I hold the door for the person walking behind me.  I reach up to a high shelf in the grocery store for a stranger.  I smile to a fellow when strolling down the street.  I show up when I say I will.  I treat others as I want to be treated. 

These things raise energy ➡️ Increased energy raises my vibrational field ➡️ My raised vibration attracts other like-energy people ➡️ My vibe attracts my tribe ➡️ My tribe help me maintain a good attitude, live a quality life and spread good energy where it is needed.   

It is a simple concept but when I understood it – WOW.  It blew my mind.  It makes me want to be a better person and I think twice when making decisions.  The vibe/tribe idea also helps me to stay aware of whom I am interacting with, how much time I spending with that person and how I feel afterwards.

Don’t get me wrong –
Sometimes I think that I am the center of the Universe.
That I am deserving of ALL the things.
That MY needs are greater than EVERYONE else’s. 

When those thoughts come in my energy decreases.  When I make a conscious decision to stop rising, that vibe attracts undesirable people, places and things.
Now that I know that my energy is so important in attracting the lifestyle I want, I cannot unknow it.  I rein myself it.  I pray for direction then meditate so I may be present to hear guidance. 

All of my current friends are living a clean, spiritually based life.  I do not have people in my life that are draining or negative.  To put it simply and honestly – I don’t have time for nonsensical bullshit.  I like my high vibe life.  If you’re a shit-head I’ll know it and move on quickly and quietly.  If you’re not down with this amazing, beautiful, abundance filled life you won’t want to be around me anyways – because misery does not like happy company.

TODAY I have a CHOICE.  I choose to have my vibe attract motivated, caring, loving and wonderful tribe members. 




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