This video inspired me to write about
one of my favorite topics…GRATITUDE!
Watch it and then keep reading!
Cute right! The gist is to be grateful for everything we have - EVERY DAY, not just during the holiday season. It can be difficult to remain grateful all the time though.
You know what I mean. Morning traffic, ridiculous checkout lines at the market, annoying co-workers, fast approaching deadlines, BILLS… ugh. You must be asking yourself “How can I appreciate all the little things that make me CRAZY?!?! How can I be grateful every day?!?!”
Practicing gratitude is just that - A PRACTICE.
The following are a few ways to add gratitude into your daily routine.
1. Count Your Blessings
Like the man in the video I shared, count your blessings daily. Food, clean water, transportation etc are simple things that we sometimes take for granted. Quickly acknowledging them in your mind as your day goes along is a great way to start. That may spark you to do the next few things on this list. Keep reading…
2. Make a daily gratitude list
Keep a small notebook and pen somewhere you will notice it daily. Next to your bed, on the kitchen counter next to the coffee pot, some place where it cannot be ignored. Write a list of 5 things that you are grateful for. I suggest the mornings because it’s a great way to start the day on the right foot. Some days you may only be grateful that you woke up in time for work and other days you can dive deeper into your soul.
3. Stop and smell the roses
When you see something awesome, stop for a moment and appreciate it. For example – when I see the sun peek through the clouds in that special way I love, I pause and say thank you. You might see a rainbow, a kid holding her Moms hand or a cute dog walking down the street. When joy enters your heart really feel it, recognize it and let it enrich your day.
4. Random acts of Kindness
I say this all the time so forgive me for repeating. Hold the door for a stranger, reach on the high shelf at the grocery store for someone who is struggling and chat with the person behind you in line. When you practice doing good acts I promise that good energy will come back to you. Plus, you never know who you are helping with a simple act of kindness and it sure feels good!!
5. Treat Yo Self!
Take a bubble bath, use that Eleven Eleven Elixer body scrub and listen to your favorite song. Treating yourself might look like taking the time to make your favorite meal on a Tuesday night. Buy yourself a small bouquet of flowers. It is so powerful to treat yourself to small things that make your soul sing. It doesn’t have to cost a lot of money, or any money at all. Taking the time to love yourself with time and something special will help you recognize how rich you really are and feel the gratitude in your heart.
These are a few basic ways to practice gratitude. It may take some time but if you take a few minutes each day to observe, write and sit in your gratitude; I KNOW your life will improve.
Add in the ripple effect and the lives of your loved ones will follow suit.
There is enough gratitude in my soul that I am able to spread it around freely and with delight. I do most of the things I have listed which helps me to love my life even on the days when I am irritable and discontent. I know I have everything I need and more. Here is a breakdown of why a grateful attitude is a better way of life.
Thank you for supporting my blog. It is my passion to write and I feel blessed to be able to share it with you. If no one has told you yet today
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