Being a part of a group of women is wicked important.  As you know I talk about my friends alllllll the time and like I talked about in my last post, being in a true unconditional friendship is new to me.  But what I know is that being open to expand that group and/or seek knowledge outside my inner circle is just as crucial. 
I was gifted an opportunity to attend the Samhain Session of Weekend Witch School.  I am so grateful and the Universe provided me with this gift when I needed a boost. To be surrounded by Witches in all different parts of their journeys was super powerful.  I was immersed in the language of attraction, deep ancestral teachings, open mindedness and friendship.  There was time to make new connections and to also tend friendships that I made a few years ago.  
I have been on many 12 step retreats so I was primed for sitting and note taking with breaks in between.  This retreat was like that but much more relaxed and loose. Chatting with the leader, asking questions in real time and hearing my fellow Witches chime in with their own questions and suggestions was refreshing and FUN!  No question was stupid or too weird, I mean JFC we were on a WITCH RETREAT!! There is no such thing as too weird.
The weekend consisted of Ancestor calling, Grimoire making, tea leaf reading, herb usage, a dumb dinner, astrology, candle magic, a Weaving and the most important of all; Sistership.  Everything we did was as a group, approached with respect and easy for a beginner witch but interesting enough for an intermediate or advanced witch.
I had some intense emotional breakthroughs and downloads from my Maternal grandmother, Mildred.  From the great Beyond my Nanny reassured me that something I have carried guilt about for 20+ is okay.  I can let it go, put the bat down and be free from the shame I have been holding on to. Part of me is like, did that really happen?  Was I dreaming? But I know in my soul that this ancestor calling ceremony WORKED and the things I felt and heard were REAL.
Having women that I may not approach in any other setting, support me and lift me up is fucking A-MA-ZING.  The supportive energy these ladies exuded was powerful, wild yet gentle, and genuinely loving. This is what Circle is all about.  A group of women coming together from a place of love and belonging to HOLD ONE ANOTHER UP. Sharing our collective knowledge and willing to learn. 
We were not in competition, there was no need to put on a show, we were free to just
Weekend Witch School really opened up parts of me that I didn't know were closed.  It is difficult for me to sit in my feelings. I would rather power through my emotions, not truly feel them and just get to the other side.  But that doesn’t work for me anymore. I am willing to do the work and now I am part of another group of Witches where we can all be there for each other.
I hope that all of you have a Circle that does the same for you.  If you don’t, or you don’t feel like your people are holding you up how you need to be held...seems like it’s time to upgrade!
I did a nude photo shoot in the woods of Maine during my time at Weekend Witch School.  That’s how safe and supported I was! Stay tuned!!


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