Moon Time

Aunt Flow.  On the rag.  Surf the crimson tide.  On my period.  That time of the month...these are some ways that the world talks about menstruation. Like it is a biiiiiig secret. There is so much shame and embarrassment  surrounding menstruation that there are hundreds of terms to describe this human bodily function. Its talked about in hushed voices behind closed doors. Men AND *some* women think it’s gross, dirty, disgusting even. ‍

We bleed! That’s it!! No big deal right? 


It’s some of the most intense beautiful magic that happens and I get to experience it EVERY MONTH! Wow. Just fucking wow. 

My body is built to sustain Another Life. 
When that purpose goes unfulfilled-  the nourishment, the memories of my ancestors, my DNA at the cellular level exits my body as blood. How couldn’t this be magical?

Besides all the silly terms I first mentioned there are other ways to refer to menstruation. 

Entering the red tent, my moon time, sacred bleed…
These are more to my liking. There is an air of respect to these descriptions. 

Right now as I write this I am menstruating with the full moon. It’s a wicked powerful time as we head deeper into autumn and towards Samhain, and in my life in general. I have time to feel my body as it changes. I get to take it easy and rest because that’s what my body needs today. It’s glorious! 

I know, I know...You’re probably thinking “This bitch...real crazy rn” but I really mean it! This is the first time in my adult life that I have had the time to sit back and feel my feelings as I’m menstruating. 

I’m introspective. I’m sensitive. I’m hyper aware of how my body feels. I’m randy! My sense of smell is heightened. My equilibrium is off. I’m frustrated easily. Quick to cry, easy to laugh.  

I never thought about any of this stuff before. I was too busy running my life and trying NOT to think about the ups and downs of the day. Now that I’ve slowed down it’s luxurious to F E E L.
I am in tune with what is going on inside me. I feel rooted and grounded and I’m so grateful to be present. 

I used to think my menstruation was something I was cursed with, something I have to deal with. I just wanted it to be over, leave me alone, be gone already will ya, git outta here! Jeesh. 

But when I chose to halt my menses due to cancer treatments, I learned how important it is to regulate my body and mind during the month. I’m so grateful that my menses came back and my body knows what to do, all day every day, especially when I shed my life’s blood. 

So as like to refer to my menstruation, I am on my Moon Time . It’s a sacred time, a powerful time and for me a very delicate time.  Mentally, physically and spiritually.   I’m going to rest when I need rest.  I’m going to be gentle with myself and treat myself with care and respect. 

Don’t get me wrong, I can get rude and raggedy with the best of ‘em especially during my moon time.  And I’ll tell you this...I will throw HANDS if I need to. Just cause I’m sensitive rn doesn’t mean I’m meek. I bleed from the inside out 5 days a month, I don’t know of anything stronger than that! 

And that my friends is how quick I can go from ethereal-sacred-in-the-red-tent woman to Cardi B. We are one in the same.


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