
(written 8/20/19) 

Last night I watched my friend give birth to her 10 pound baby.  At her house…in a pool…in her 
bedroom…naturally.  It was the most profound and powerful thing I have ever witnessed in my 
entire life.

Just for a little background…
Corrine and I are relatively new friends.  We met through our mutual friend Angelina in 2016. 
And that was just through Facebook.  I didn’t even meet her face to face until December of that 
When I was having a spiritual experience, supernatural is a more accurate description, Angie referred me to Corrine. 
So I, as a practical stranger, called her and told her all about it. 
She took it in stride, listened and offered support. 
She held space for me and my experience.  She didn’t make me feel weird or crazy;
she validated my feelings and made me feel safe.
I’m forever grateful she was willing to talk to me, love me from a distance and freely give her 

Fast forward…
Corrine, Angie and I formed our own Coven,
We manifest together,
We love each other unconditionally and
We are Sisters.

That brings you up to date…
So, Corrine and her birth.  She decided on a home birth after having a traumatic and difficult 
birthing with her first son via c-section in 2016.  Corrine and her husband Joe, with the help of 
midwives, came up with an at home birth plan that all were comfortable with. 
I’ll let Corrine tell you more about her reason for an at home birth but I’m certain that her reasons
are valid and this was the best choice for her and her family.

We got the call 9:15pm August 19 and we were off!  Angie traveled from Gloucester and I left from
Plymouth to the Pelland house in East Bridgewater. 
Let me tell you, things were HAPPENING when I arrived.  
These were my observations.

It was like Corrine was in a trance.  She was there but she wasn’t the same person. 
She was in her body but outside of it at the same time. 
The air was electric and we were all anxious. 
It’s my nature to hang back and observe so I did what any good Crone would do, I crocheted. 
Corrine was calm, cool and collected.  It was clear she was in pain but it was like her body,
mind and soul were on auto pilot. 
I feel like she was tapped into the collective mind of all the women who have ever given 
birth, that she pulled on all the strength of the ages to do what she was built to do…
Create and birth new Life. 

Every so often the Corrine I know and love would come back. 
A quick statement or request for water, but as fast as that happened -
she slipped back into the trance.  She was singularly focused on bringing Leo Earthside.    

To see my friend, our Sister and fellow Coven member, in pain was excruciating for me. 
Because there was nothing that I could do to ease her suffering. 
All I could do, all we could do was hold space and be present in the moment. 
Angie, her daughter Vivian and I all sent reiki to her throughout her 2 hour labor and delivery.

Her husband Joe was the silent sentinel.  He was stoic, strong and welcomed all of us into his home
to be a part of the expansion of their family.  As he held her hand and was the strength she needed
I saw real, true honest love in his eyes.  The only thing that topped it was when he laid eyes on the
new baby, Leo.  I have never been present to see joy like that.  The look of unconditional love on
the faces of Corrine, Joe and their older son Nathan, when the had their first looks at Leo was born was

I am forever grateful that I was allowed to be in attendance on this momentous evening. 
Bearing witness to baby Leo taking his first breath in the atmosphere is something I will never,
ever forget.  

Thanks to Angie and Vivian for being present, that day and every day.
Thanks to Corrine and Joe for letting us love and support you.  
Thanks to Corrine for inviting us into your family and standing up for what you believe in, for yourself and all mothers out there.   

Pictures posted with permission from Corrine Pelland
Photos by Lovely You Images


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