All my life I have disliked
frogs. Their creepy eyes, long legs,
croaking and freaky jumping ability; everything about them skeeves me out! I literally shutter when I see a picture of
one or a living frog. I will avoid frogs
pretty much at all costs. For example, I
used to night swim with a bunch of people at the local pond…until I saw a frog
hopping around on the sand. That was 8
years ago and I haven’t gone swimming there again.
I always thought that it was a bad omen when a frog was put in my path
because of my personal aversion to them but frogs in general are cool
creatures. They start their lives living
and breathing underwater. As they grow
they transform into air breathing animals that live in between land and water.
It’s practically magic. The spiritual
meanings of frogs are interesting also.
When I learned about the symbolism of the frog I realized that I have seen one at important intervals in my life - when I was a newcomer to sobriety, when I was getting ready to accept a new job, when I was leaving a lucrative job for more personal freedom and peace of mind, at a spiritual retreat that opened my mind and changed my life…
The frog has been a precursor to immense change and transformation for me.
Then I learned the acronym for Fully
Rely On God is FROG and….
Who knew that the creature that I cannot stand, that I avoid at all times
is the same creature that stands for trusting and relying on a higher
power?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!! No coincidences I
tell ya! Its irritating to me that all
this time I have been veering away from clear signs. I was not even open to seeing the signs put
in my life until very recently.
During a meditation I was asking my spirit guides for a sign that they
are around me. Usually I ask to see some
kind of bird, mostly a cardinal. But this
specific time I said “If you’re here, please show me a frog”. It came to my mind without my
permission!!!!!!! I don’t WANT to see a
frog…ever even though I know now, that for me, it is a good sign. Days go by and…no frog sightings. Then on a Wednesday I was at a client’s
house, a place where I have been at least 20 times and I look over and see
It has always been there, in the same place, I just was not willing or able to see it until that day. The following Sunday I was at another client’s house and I noticed a piece of stationary with a giant frog on the bottom. It goes to show my guides and helpers are always around, they hear me when I speak to them and God gives me what I need when I need it. Even when I disagree!!
The past few months I have been bombarded with frog images. Every time I see one I take a pic and add it
to the group chat with my coven with the caption “ANOTHER ONE”! I have come to believe and accept that the
frog is one of my spirit animals. That
does not mean I want to see, hold or receive one as a gift (Corrine…I’m talking
to you).
I will keep my eyes open for any and all signs that the Universe wants me to see, up to and including any frogs. I will do my best to fully rely on God and all the rest of my helpers and guides. I mean, seriously, they have carried me this far and I have no doubt that I will always be supported.
Frogs represent:
When I learned about the symbolism of the frog I realized that I have seen one at important intervals in my life - when I was a newcomer to sobriety, when I was getting ready to accept a new job, when I was leaving a lucrative job for more personal freedom and peace of mind, at a spiritual retreat that opened my mind and changed my life…
The frog has been a precursor to immense change and transformation for me.
It has always been there, in the same place, I just was not willing or able to see it until that day. The following Sunday I was at another client’s house and I noticed a piece of stationary with a giant frog on the bottom. It goes to show my guides and helpers are always around, they hear me when I speak to them and God gives me what I need when I need it. Even when I disagree!!
I will keep my eyes open for any and all signs that the Universe wants me to see, up to and including any frogs. I will do my best to fully rely on God and all the rest of my helpers and guides. I mean, seriously, they have carried me this far and I have no doubt that I will always be supported.
Here are a few more of the frogs that have seen lately.
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