Manifesting my Destiny

I have always thought my destiny was to become rich and famous. Adding to that I always thought I'd win the lottery and become a lady of leisure. You know the type, a woman who lunches, gets manicures every week and doesn't have to work. I was a lazy person and a lazy thinker and that's the best I could come up with at the time.

Much of my adult life was spend in full flight from reality and having a closed mind. In my early 20's I literally thought I knew it all and had accepted a subpar life. I was humbled by my alcoholism and when I got sober is when my thinking started to change. My mind truly became open to listening to and implementing spiritual ideals.

Today I believe in God and everlasting energy. I have felt both during quiet times of meditation. I feel close to God when my gratitude is strong. When I am in need of comfort I only have to ask and that brings me closer to my higher power.

In the past few years the idea of my destiny has changed. I believe that my destiny is being made right now. I believe that I am meant to help others by sharing my story and skills. Every good choice I make comes back to me tenfold. I know that if I consciously have positive thoughts that the Universe and God will provide me with everything I want and need. This is a new concept for me but I have seen it work in the lives of others.

I have made a vision board of things that I want for myself. Everyday I visualize my goals and feel the feelings of success. It sounds corny but it really does work. When I talk about my goals I speak them in the present tense. The Universe is listening to my words and I want the Universe to know this...

I believe in myself.
I have everything I need.
I am a magnet for success.
Money comes to me easily and frequently.
I am healthy.
I am strong.
I am kind.
I am loved and I give love freely.

I am unstoppable.


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