Food for Thought

I have the disease of “more”.  Whatever makes me feel good I want more and more and more of it.  As a child I used food, toys, attention and affection to feel good about myself and as a teen and young adult I used drugs and alcohol.

Now in sobriety I struggle again with food.  I am an eater.  I am a binge eater and compulsive overeater.   I eat when I’m happy, when I’m sad, when I don’t feel well, when I’m lonely, I eat in celebration and I eat out of boredom.  I have been this way all my life.  I got sober in 2009 and over 5 years I gained 65 pounds.  I was tired all the time, always trying to radically modify my food intake and failing miserably at controlling my eating. 

The only coping skill and comfort I had was eating.  My solution was to get weight loss surgery.  I completed all the requirements and 6 months later in June 2014 I had vertical sleeve gastrectomy.  In 1 year I lost 80 pounds and felt better than ever.  Over the following years I became lax about following my food plan and resistant to help with my food issues.  I gained and lost the same 10 pounds over and over.  The weight started to creep back on.  I still had no coping skills besides food and bottom line, I didn’t really want to change…I wanted to be thin. 

Thinness was always something beyond my reach.  I was a fat child, a fat teen and a fat adult.  I was unhappy in some aspects of my life and I always thought if I lose weight then everything will fall into place.  This is FALSE.  I know this because even when I was losing weight things were not perfect.  I know that weight loss, just as sobriety, is an “inside job”.

Since my cancer diagnosis I have gained 35 pounds.  I thought cancer treatments would make me lose weight but it is not uncommon to gain.  I used food as a comfort, a good old standby.  Right now I am uncomfortable in my skin, my clothes do not fit and I am overall unhappy with how I look.  As the side effects of chemo dissipate I am realizing how much my food choices affect me.  I restrict then binge then feel terrible then the solution is to eat more to get comfort!!  It is a vicious cycle.

My goal now is to get honest about my life long affair with food.  I have joined Weight Watchers.  I have a simple food plan I follow every day.  I had started exercising regularly again.  I read a lot about body positivity.  I try and love myself as I am today instead of bashing myself.  I am my own worst critic but I am trying to be gentle to myself.  I touch base with other women who struggle with food also.  I am not alone.  I am learning how to take care of myself in all areas. 


The struggle is real but not insurmountable.  I can do this one day at a time.


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