The Lighthouse
Dedicated to Angelina Corrado
The purpose of the lighthouse is to guide the way home, to remember where we come from and where we are going all at once. The lighthouse is strong, stable and magnificent. The lighthouse shines her light for all those that choose to seek home and new horizons.
During a storm, fog or troubled waters we, as navigators, depend on the lighthouse for guidance. We never want to crash. Sometimes it takes a few attempts to sail through spots that are difficult. Every so often we choose to ignore the lighthouse; we are not ready to come home yet. We are not ready for a new adventure on unfamiliar shores. We are not equipped to see past the obstacles to the beautiful land up ahead.
When we decide to ignore the lighthouse, the lighthouse keeps shining. She keeps illuminating the way. That is her job that she excels at. She knows the path because she has seen it already. It is why her light is so bright.
When we finally get to shore maybe we credit our own mastery of sailing. It could be we praise the map makers; perhaps it was the skill of our fellow sailors. But at night sitting comfortably at home we get to thinking. When we are no longer afraid, when we are able to admit that the water was rough and the shoreline rocky, we can give credit where credit is due.
Without the lighthouse, in all her glory, we were doomed. Without the lighthouse we could never find our way home and we wouldn’t be able to identify a newfound coast. We need to remember that the lighthouse shines-regardless the weather. The lighthouse remains humbly shining, no matter what.
Who in your life is your lighthouse? I put it in female terms because the lighthouses in my life are women who have supported, guided and led the way. My pattern is to constantly resist new ideas and concepts until I am fully ready to accept. That resistance manifests itself in anger, ignoring and “yessing” people. My lighthouse women continued to talk to me, led me by example and just lit up the path when I was resistant. When I was ready to come home, to remember that I contain everything I need inside of me and to venture a new path; they were there. Standing tall, shining their light with humility and grace but also with unwavering unapologetic pride.
Lighthouses are beacons of progress, growth and most importantly hope. Please keep standing tall lighthouses, we need you. I need you.
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