
Showing posts from May, 2020

Feel to Heal

πŸŒ€πŸ”ΊπŸŒ™Hi friends! The blog has been quiet of late.  I have been working from home, reading, cleaning (not much, still counts though) but mostly I’ve been feeling. This sounds weird because don't we feel every day, all day? Isn’t life just a series of situations with waves of feelings and emotions?? 🀷🏽‍♀️Well, yes and no. The behavior I picked up along the way was to power through an experience, especially the uncomfortable, leave it behind and carry on like all was well.  So I never got the chance to feel because I stuffed it all down, encapsulated my experience and moved on...or so I thought. During quarantine I’m pulling up a chair and feeling tough emotions.  Instead of running I am sitting in the uncomfortable. Letting it wash over and through me.  This is the only way I will be able to truly heal. Right now I am focusing on the feeling part of my healing instead of the writing, analyzing, editing & sharing part. I may be quiet here but it’s ...